Digital foundation_Final project documentation

For my final project, I would like to create a narrative story as well as an interactive game using Scratch and Makey Makey.

I am a manager of Columbia Chinese soccer team, and I spent a great time with my team during this two years. Now I am going to graduate this semester and say goodbye to my school years. Therefore, I made this game "Join in a soccer team" in memory of those precious time at Columbia.

The first part of this project was made by Scratch. I used Scratch to write the code for this narrative game. I uploaded five backdrops, some of which are photos I taken for my soccer team. Each of the backdrop is supposed to be one scenario.

As the picture shows above, I wrote the scripts for these five backdrops. Users are expected to use up arrow, right arrow and down arrow to control the whole process. That is to say, they can switch to next page by pressing the keyboard.

Then I chose a cute monkey as one of the main sprite of this story. He will do warm up exercises will other soccer player, wait for the penalty kick and get ready for shooting.

This picture shows the script for the monkey character. I add some dialogue for him, and set the direction of his moving.

Another important sprite in this game is the soccer ball. When entering the "kick game" part, users can try the real shooting by pressing the space button on keyboard. If the ball goes in to the goal, your score will increase by one point. When you get 5 points, you win the game.

The script for this soccer ball is shown as above. One of the most key code is that after gliding into the goal, we need to set a motion to make the soccer ball move to the former location.                            

Here is a video to show how this game works on Scratch.
Scratch link:

The second part is doing with Makey Makey, which is expected to provide better interactive user experience in this game.

I used the sliver paper to wrap the soccer ball, the ground and the goal. At the beginning, I tried to connect one wire to the soccer ball, and used another wire to connect the ground. Once the ball touches the ground, the circuit will work and you can get one point. Nevertheless, it is inconvenient for players to "kick" the ball with a wire. Later, I came up with an idea to connect one wire to the goal instead of the ball. When the soccer ball goes inside the goal, it will trigger the circuit. 

In this way, players are expected to gain better user experience. In the future, I plan to add one more character - the goal keeper, and set different levels of this game. Moreover, it will be much more fun if I use the real images of the soccer players in our team.

Here is a video to show how to play this game with Makey Makey.


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